Updates and Sundry

Although it has been a while since I have posted. I have thoughted about writing considerably. I have settled into my position as a Software Process Associate. Currently, I’m focusing on a mix of projects some smaller and some larger. The projects include: Implementing an acquired mobile inspection application across our multifamily portfolio Improving theContinue reading “Updates and Sundry”

Governance, Risk Management, Compliance Course End Reflection

This post is from a final discussion in my BIS 521 course at Central Michigan University (CMU). I’m nearing the completion of the MS in Information Systems, Cyber-security concentration program. I have submitted it for credit, but thought it was worth sharing on here as well. In prior programs and in others courses a commonContinue reading “Governance, Risk Management, Compliance Course End Reflection”

Governance, Risk, and Compliance – Wk 1

It is official, my class BIS 521 at Central Michigan University (CMU) started today. It focuses on governance, risk, and compliance as they relate to cyber security. When I started the program, this was not one of the courses that I was looking forward to taking. It just didn’t seem like it would appeal toContinue reading “Governance, Risk, and Compliance – Wk 1”

Between Semesters

Currently, I’m in between semesters. One week until I start my digital forensics course. Although, I have taken some mental time off and focused on other things. This last week before the class opens, it is time to start getting back into the routine and schedule. My plan is to: Start the course on digitalContinue reading “Between Semesters”

MSIS Course One Done!

So, I started the MS program in Information Systems (IS) with Central Michigan University (CMU) online. I have very successfully completed my first class in IS. There was a lot of good material such as cyber security, project management, strategy, networking, supply chain management (SCM) topics, knowledge management (KM), and an introduction to databases. TheContinue reading “MSIS Course One Done!”

Deep Winter Blues!

Lately, I have been in a “winter funk” combined with the busyness of the holidays and all the post election media, I just haven’t felt like writing (or doing anything for that matter). But, it is now a new  year! So, a few professional New Year’s Resolutions: Professionally re-position myself and pivot towards my passionContinue reading “Deep Winter Blues!”

1/2 Way Point – Some Random Thoughts.

My intro to web programming course is just about at the half way point. So far, I am doing okay grade wise. There is always room for improvement. I definitely need to spend more time reviewing the book and exercises. I have been able to make it through the weekly homework and discussion posts withContinue reading “1/2 Way Point – Some Random Thoughts.”

Transition Manifesto

Sometimes when I want to find clarification of my clear clarity, I find it easiest to write. I think this is the case with many people. Currently, I am looking to transition away from my current position as an Assistant Property Manager. There are a variety of reasons I am pursuing this transition such asContinue reading “Transition Manifesto”