Writing, DMAA, and OTJ

New year, new writing goals.  I just submitted a very short article to the Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association (DMAA) for publication in their Driving Force newsletter. Hopefully the DMAA will publish it. The article focuses on a few (6 to be exact) steps for improving on-the-job training (OTJ). I chose this topic because OTJ is very commonContinue reading “Writing, DMAA, and OTJ”

Performance Improvement Technology: An Introduction for Property Management Professionals

What do the following examples have an common? Month end checklist a Wiki Automating purchasing an online tutorial on how to enter rent checks or add a prospect Lean Office Resident satisfaction survey Random things I have thought of? No, they are examples of Performance Improvement Technology. At its core Performance Improvement Technology provides aContinue reading “Performance Improvement Technology: An Introduction for Property Management Professionals”