Unfinished Drafts

What is and what might never be. My unfinished blog post drafts (and most will probably remain in stasis) includes titles and topics such as: “Return to HTML & CSS” “A Simple Prayer” “LinkedIn Bad habits” (I almost certainly was going to bitch about random people that want to connect and use the generic greeting).Continue reading “Unfinished Drafts”

Learning Journal Entry – Fundamentals of Programming

I have decide to use one of my learning journal entries as a blog post. For My course Fundamentals of Programming at University of the People, I am required to do a learning journal. Even though it is required, I think it is a good idea regardless. The learning journal provides an opportunity to writeContinue reading “Learning Journal Entry – Fundamentals of Programming”

University of the People – Week 1.5

So, I am a week and a half into it. For the most part, I have enjoyed the courses so far. A few reflections: I can see how people have difficulty managing time (especially working full-time and having other commitments). There just isn’t time to spend (waste) deliberating a forum post or learning journal entry.Continue reading “University of the People – Week 1.5”

MS Project: A Formative Reflection on Writing

Currently, I am working on my MS project so I can finish degree (finally). The project consists of a course paper and a grant. The focus is a student non-profit consulting project. It is as it sounds, Training and Development students work with Marquette Co. non-profits to implement performance improvement technology. The goal for theContinue reading “MS Project: A Formative Reflection on Writing”

Writing Template

In order to help me produce more posts and I have designed a several templates, which allow for a different style posts.  Example below: Topics/Keywords: Title: Introduction: Introduce article, provide, author name, link, political persuasion, bias, etc. Summary: Provide a brief 1 to 2 paragraph synopsis of the article So What? Or the Takeaway: WhatContinue reading “Writing Template”

Writing, DMAA, and OTJ

New year, new writing goals.  I just submitted a very short article to the Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association (DMAA) for publication in their Driving Force newsletter. Hopefully the DMAA will publish it. The article focuses on a few (6 to be exact) steps for improving on-the-job training (OTJ). I chose this topic because OTJ is very commonContinue reading “Writing, DMAA, and OTJ”

Email and Professional Communication

Favorite Article of the Week. Okay, maybe not the best article I have read, but poorly constructed emails definitely “grind my gears.”  A good start is the article by Getting Things Done. Also see Amy Gallo’s “Stop Email Overload” found in HBR blogs. To the list, I would add: The out-of-context forward. This occurs whenContinue reading “Email and Professional Communication”