Updates and Sundry

Although it has been a while since I have posted. I have thoughted about writing considerably. I have settled into my position as a Software Process Associate. Currently, I’m focusing on a mix of projects some smaller and some larger. The projects include: Implementing an acquired mobile inspection application across our multifamily portfolio Improving theContinue reading “Updates and Sundry”

Governance, Risk, and Compliance – Wk 1

It is official, my class BIS 521 at Central Michigan University (CMU) started today. It focuses on governance, risk, and compliance as they relate to cyber security. When I started the program, this was not one of the courses that I was looking forward to taking. It just didn’t seem like it would appeal toContinue reading “Governance, Risk, and Compliance – Wk 1”

What I have been up to or lost in Information Systems Land!

It has been quite a while since my last post. A lot has happened since then. Currently, I am almost half way through my Master of Information Systems (MSIS) with Central Michigan University (CMU) online. So, far I have taken classes in: Project Management Information Systems Systems Design and Analysis Database Management Designing Business ApplicationsContinue reading “What I have been up to or lost in Information Systems Land!”

Sunday Morning Work

Feeling productive today, Sunday goals: Work on Cybrary tutorials Write a post on WordPress  Check on job boards/posts Start taxes (or at least get everything ready to complete the task) Check in on Linkedin Groups Get some work done…for the actual job I get paid for. Hopefully my “feeling productive” mojo will hold the durationContinue reading “Sunday Morning Work”

Inspired and Rededicated.

As of late, I am feeling particularly inspired to continuing my web programming journey. To continue, I am setting a daily goal list. Truth is, some days will yield greater progress than others. All days must yield some progress and move the proverbial “needle.” My goals are: Spend some time daily working on web programming/careerContinue reading “Inspired and Rededicated.”

League of Legends – A Few Thoughts

Recently, I have gotten into League of Legends. Okay I have been playing since February of this year. The basic premise of the Summoner’s Rift arena match is to destroy your opponents Nexus. Doing so, you win! For those interested, you can check out a this new player guide. It offers League of Legends basics.Continue reading “League of Legends – A Few Thoughts”